The Many Shapes And Shades Of Blue Diamonds
The Many Shapes and Shades of Blue Diamonds
One of the rarest forms of diamonds is the natural blue diamond. Most fancy color diamonds receive their unique colors from the presence of various elements. For instance, nitrogen within a diamond causes a yellow coloring whereas boron is responsible for a blue diamond’s incredible hue. In order to understand more about the high quality blue diamonds that are on the market, it is imperative to become acquainted with the possible shapes and shades that are typical for blue diamonds.
0.25ct Fancy Blue Diamond | 0.50ct Fancy Intense Blue | 0.21ct Fancy Vivid Blue |
Blue Diamond Shapes
The most important and desirable aspect of a blue diamond is its color. Although the 4Cs are perceived as equal when discussing colorless diamonds (carat, clarity, color, cut,) this is not the case for fancy color diamonds. Therefore, every feature of the diamond will be determined based on how it affects the stone’s color. The shape of the blue diamond is no exception. Like other color diamonds, the radiant and cushion shapes are the most recommended because they enable the diamond to display its color in the best way possible. However, some customers are more interested in a certain shape than they are the color quality. Additionally, some stones are so superb; cutting them into a different shape won’t necessarily take away from their beauty. In such cases, other shapes can be considered including round, pear, and emerald. Less common shapes are marquise and oval, but these can be found too as well as other fancy shapes for diamonds.
Different Shades of Blue Diamonds
Going back to the color factor, most color diamonds can appear in a number of shades but the color grade depends on several considerations. First, there is the actual color to examine. Most stones do not contain one pure hue, though this is the most desirable type of them all. There can be a main color as well as one or additional secondary colors that create endless color combinations. A diamond can be a pure blue stone, but this is exceptionally rare and expensive. More often than not you will find fancy grayish blue, fancy greenish blue, or fancy green blue diamonds along with many other options. Another way a color diamond’s color is evaluated is through its color intensity level. Based on how well the color of a diamond can be seen, a word grade such as Very Light, Light, Vivid, and Intense is given to the stone. The intensity of the color contributes to the overall appearance of a blue diamond.
Color Combinations for Blue Diamonds:
Each diamond color has its own secondary color possibilities, thereby creating a myriad of color combinations. In the case of fancy blue diamonds, some of the options may include the following secondary colors:
- Gray
- Grayish
- Green
- Greenish
- Violetish
- Gray Greenish
- Grayish Greenish
Fancy Grayish Blue | Fancy Greenish Blue | Fancy Vivid Green Blue |
Color Intensity Levels for Blue Diamonds:
The color intensity levels differ from diamond color to diamond color. Blue diamonds can be found in the following color intensity levels, from lower intensity to higher intensity:
- Faint
- Very Light
- Light
- Fancy Light
- Fancy
- Fancy Intense
- Fancy Vivid
- Fancy Deep
- Fancy Dark (if a secondary color is present)
Blue is a wonderful color for gemstones in general and diamonds in particular. It is calming, regal, and soft. Whether you have a fancy blue round diamond in mind or prefer fancy grayish blue radiant or round diamonds, you will find that they have a place in your collection.