Obama Legalizes Ruby And Jadeite Imported From Myanmar

Rubies are among the most precious gemstones found. The colors seen in certain pieces of ruby jewelry will manage to absolutely amaze you. Still, every industry on the planet has its “Rolls-Royce,” and rubies are no different. When talking about this magnificent stone, it’s all about ‘Burmese Rubies.’ Burma, now known as Myanmar, is home to the highest quality rubies on the planet. The color saturation of the stones found there, in comparison to those mined in other countries, is simply amazing. Perhaps it is the chemical elements deep in the ground and perhaps it is environment, but something about the combination just works.

However, due to serious human rights issues, a ban was set in place back in 2003, restricting the import of Myanmar goods to the United States. This of course included the world-class rubies and jadeite native to the country. Well, that has now come to an end as President Barak Obama has waived the ban, allowing rubies and jadeite to be traded freely once again.


Rubies are among the most precious gemstones found


American gem enthusiasts have good reason to celebrate: after 13 long years, the ban against importing Myanmar rubies and jadeite has been lifted. This means that the US will now have legal access to the stunning red and green gemstones that are like no other. While quality rubies and jadeite can be located in other areas around the globe, Myanmar stones have a distinct hue, which make them so valuable and sought after.


Not to minimize the fact that if the President decided to waive the ban, this means that threat of conflict stones in that area has finally ceased. The ban was so strict, it included all gemstones that were processed and exported from a country other than Myanmar. The origin of the stone is what mattered, and now that sanctions have been waived, those in the gemstone industry can breathe a sigh of relief or squeal with joy, as this turn of events can open doors to many exciting opportunities.



Contrasts of unbelievable colors found in precious gemstones


Though some may have viewed this ban as a nuisance, it was instated for a very good cause. Tom Lantos, for whom the bill was called, was the only Holocaust survivor ever to be elected to Congress. Needless to say, he was a huge advocate for human rights and was personally invested in the plight of the Burmese people. As chairman of the House Foreign Affair Committee, he fought for justice beyond the borders of the United States, and needless to say he would have been proud to know there is no longer any need for this bill in that area.