Emerald Stone Benefits
Most people do not select emeralds as their first gemstone due to several reasons including the popularity of other stones such as diamonds, the prices, and the unique yet very specific color. Unless the emerald happens to be your birthstone or you have a thing for green stones, chances are emeralds won’t make it into your jewelry collection so quickly. Having said that, the vivacious green gem, which has been valued for its beauty and worth for thousands of years, has many benefits that cannot be overlooked. Let us take a look at some of these advantages and how we can get the most from nature’s most glorious green stone.
Emerald jewelry
Beliefs and Symbolic Meanings
It is impossible to list an emerald’s benefits without addressing the many beliefs and symbolic meanings that are attributed to this precious gem. As one of the oldest stones used and worn by individuals dating back to ancient times, the emerald has been believed to carry many important powers and abilities, some of which are still believed to this very day. Emeralds have been known to have an array of health benefits including improving one’s speech and memory; assisting with one’s asthma, epilepsy, or amnesia; and curing cardiac problems and insomnia. Furthermore, certain professions were believed to benefit greatly from wearing an emerald. These professions include banking, politics, architecture, finance, and writing. Emeralds symbolize good health, wealth, love, happiness, protection against snakebites, and a promise for an easy labor.
We obviously cannot promise any of these beliefs, but similar to energetic powers of other stones, it is said that the emerald is full of meaning.
Color and Personality
One does not have to be born in May in order to be able to buy or wear an emerald. The green stone offers so much in terms of appearance. Green emeralds can range in terms of color and intensity so that those in search of a softer hue can be satisfied as well as those looking for a dark and deep shade. The range of colors makes this stone suitable for various skin tones as well as body types. A bright green stone is a terrific way to express one’s bubbly personality and can instantly spice up an ensemble. Colorless diamonds, pearls, and the different types of precious metals may go with practically everything, but emeralds have the rare ability to provide a great deal of color and personality to the table without involving any synthetic materials.
Convenience and Cost
In addition to all of the aforementioned benefits and advantages, emeralds are a wise buy because they can be relatively easy to locate and afford. While top-of-the-line emeralds are rare and can cost a fortune, commercial quality stones can be suitable for all sorts of budgets. Add the fact that this category of emeralds is also found in plentiful amounts and you have got yourself a gem that you don’t have to fight tooth and nail to find or afford.
Emerald and diamond rings
There is no perfect stone or jewel that is suitable for everyone and every circumstance; there just isn’t. Each gemstone though, whether precious like emeralds or semi-precious, has its own individual charm and personality that can add lots to your wardrobe, jewelry collection, or gemstone collection. There is a reason this vibrant stone has been loved for so many years and continues to hold a great deal of prestige and value. A diamond may be forever, but an emerald has been around forever and will hopefully be around for many years to come.